Consumer Credit Expert Certification Part 1
Can the CCEC make you a better Realtor/better Mortgage Banker?
- How can credit card debt help or hurt your credit score?
- How much available credit it too much?
- Is there such a thing as a legitimate credit repair vendor (if so) what can they do?
- What can you do on your own?
- What does an INQUIRY or NEW ACCOUNT do to your credit?
Consumer Credit Expert Certification Part 2
Can the CCEC make you a better Realtor/better Mortgage Banker?
- What are the quickest and easiest ways to improve credit score?
- How can first-time home-buyers prepare for home-ownership?
- What can a Realtor or Mortgage Banker do to help consumers get ready for home-ownership?
- The 5 Credit Commandments you must follow when buying a house!!!